6 Ways Gender Equality is Good for Men

Our vision at Global Women is for New Zealand to be the best country to live, work and play in; a prosperous nation underpinned by diverse leadership. By making flexibility the norm for everyone and ensuring that the most talented people are able to rise to the top, progress on gender equality is good news for men and women alike.

      When gender equality is the norm, men:

  1. Will have greater freedom of choice in their career, and will no longer face discrimination or disapproval when taking on career paths, caring responsibilities and activities traditionally reserved for women.
  2. Will be enabled and encouraged to take extended parental leave and to work flexibly, to take more equal responsibility in caring for children.

    Where gender equality is already the norm in workplaces, men:

  3. Who have better access to flexible work are more productive in their jobs, report higher work performance, cope better with higher workloads, have fewer absences and have lower levels of personal stress and burnout.
  4. Are more free to be themselves and step outside of stereotypical ideas of what it means to be a “man” — asking for help when we need it and being free to express our emotions instead of bottling them up.
  5. Are more likely to have access to and take advantage of work life policies and spend more time with their families.
  6. Have better relationships with their co-workers, spouses/partners, and children.


“There are enormous pressures to be a ‘real man’, to demonstrate physical and emotional strength, and to provide financially as the family ‘breadwinner’. Trying to live up to this ideal can lead to feelings of inadequacy. Yet the pressure to remain emotionally resilient often prevents men seeking help.”

– Adam Fennessy, Secretary, Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning, Male Champions of Change



Further reading:

Gender Inequality Affects Men Too, Victorian Government

Men and Equality, Catalyst