Member Events: Human Rights Commission

The Human Rights Commission is hosting two events related to human trafficking and worker exploitation on 21 and 22 May in Auckland and extends an invitation to Global Women Members to attend.   

A New Zealand Business Response to the Australian Modern Slavery Act 2019

Location: HRC office in Auckland CBD
Time and Date: 21 May 2019, 1PM – 3 PM

This event will be of interest to all New Zealand businesses that have to report to the Australian Modern Slavery Act as a result the Australian Modern Slavery Act coming into effect on 1 January 2019. This Act places legal requirements on New Zealand  companies carrying out business activity in Australia and earning more than A$100 million per annum to publicly report on modern slavery risks in their supply chain.

Guest speakers include Amy Sinclair from the Business and Human Rights Centre, a leading international NGO tracking the human rights policies and performance of companies worldwide. Amy is appointed to the Australian Government’s Expert Advisory Committee on Modern Slavery and has been working on guidance for Australian companies reporting to the Act.

Business leaders from Progressive Enterprises and Pip Fruits will be discussing their approach to reporting to the Act and mapping out their supply chain.

A panel discussion and Q& A will take place to consider a New Zealand business response to the human rights issue of modern slavery and whether a New Zealand Modern Slavery Act should be enacted for the specific context of New Zealand.


Pacific Worker Exploitation

Location: Ministry for Pacific Peoples office in Manukau, Auckland
Time and Date: 22 May 2019, 8:30 AM – 2:30 PM

This workshop is led by the NZ Human Rights Commission and Ministry of Pacific Peoples regarding the exploitation of Pacific migrants to New Zealand. It is in response to the high number of Pacific migrant workers being victims of human trafficking and worker exploitation. Key speakers include representatives from the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment’s Trafficking in Persons team, Seasonal worker scheme, an industry that employs Pacific workers and Pacific migrant workers themselves.

This workshop aims to bring together key government agencies, unions, Pacific leaders and workers and NGOs to collaboratively discuss how to improve the working conditions for Pacific Peoples in New Zealand including  recruitment from Pacific Islands to New Zealand. Part of the discussion will include future collaboration to help address Pacific worker exploitation and human trafficking.

This event should be of interest to Pacific peoples, industry representatives that employ seasonal workers and all people interested in improving the working conditions for Pacific Migrant workers in New Zealand.


Please note that places are limited for both events and RSVPs are essential. Please register by clicking on the titles of the events above (you will be taken to an Eventbrite invite).